This piece revolves around the element of water (as a source and as well as a container of energy), raising questions about the value of our resources and our notions of sustainability.
[ 40 minute piece, performed indoor. Currently
under creation. ]
3 buckets
5 litres of water per bucket
1 rope
Inspired by the purest historical origin of the object meteor.
[ 10 minute act, using a self-made meteor-like object, performed indoor or outdoor. ]
Provoking an emotionally intense experience for the audience, this act explores themes of risk - not only for the circus performer but for the audience as well!
[ 9 minute act, using a single meteor and liquids, performed indoor. ]
A man and an object. Who is in control?
How far can a man go before he loses it? And what happens in between having control and losing control?
[ 7 minute act, using a single meteor, performed indoor and
outdoor. ]
Even when the fire element wants to steal your attention, the approach to creating this piece is based on the body and its movement!
[ 5 minute act, using a fire meteor, performed indoor or outdoor. ]
I will happily create a customized performance fitting the thematic and aesthetic needs of your event, using my varied skills as an acrobat, meteor manipulator, juggler, fire performer, rigger.
[ Show duration and choice of props vary according to your needs! ]