Penguin Productions is the first contemporary circus company emerging from CODARTS Circus Arts (Rotterdam). A fresh, young and diverse group of high level performers - 10 circus artists and two musicians.
"Tension Trail" (directed by Julien Auger) is a piece about risk and tension carried by the collectivity of the group, all driven by live music. It is a self-sufficient show with a 7 meter portico supported only by human force.
“The fear of failure prevents us from trying, the fear of the unknown prevents us from initiating adventures, the fear of being judged prevents us from demonstrating what we believe is important, the fear of losing what we own pushes us to over protect things.” With “Tension Trail” we use circus to experiment with our sense of bravery and we will invite you to challenge yours.
The Collective Penguin Production consists of:
Marta Alstadsaeter: Hand to hand flyer, handstands and vocals.
Arnau Andreu: Trapeze.
Camiel Corneille: Aerial straps.
Tom-André Refvik Henden: Acrobatics and hand to hand base.
Mizaigeny Kobi: Aerial tissue.
Vincent Kollar: Juggling and handstands.
Rémi Lebocey: Juggling, acrobatics and music.
David Mupanda: Acrobatics and hand to hand base.
Valentine Remels: Chinese pole.
Marieke Thijssen: Hand to hand flyer and handstands.
Currently not touring!